World Music's DIVERSITY and Data Visualisation's EXPRESSIVE POWER collide. A galaxy of INTERACTIVE, SCORE-DRIVEN instrument model and theory tool animations is born. Entirely Graphical Toolset Supporting World Music Teaching & Learning Via Video Chat ◦ Paradigm Change ◦ Music Visualization Greenfield ◦ Crowd Funding In Ramp-Up ◦ Please Share

Thursday, March 9, 2017


Music Visualisation: (Anti-)Social Environment

The music industry: a veritable powerhouse for industrialised emotional processing. Toxic lifestyles, an obsession with the material, acute sexism, excess, short-term thinking - and obscene privilege. At it's core, speculation, revenue optimisation, emotional manipulation, exploitation and the musical drip feed.

With a focus on community, global musical learning and exchange, acceptance and mutual help, the focus here is very much on redressing the balance. Here we begin to catalogue the most pressing problems.

Big, brave, open-source, non-profit, community-provisioned, cross-cultural and straightjacket crazy. → Like, share, back-link, pin, tweet and mail. Hashtags? For the crowdfunding: #VisualFutureOfMusic. For the future live platform: #WorldMusicInstrumentsAndTheory. Or simply register as a potential crowdfunder..

Music Learning: Social Environment

Music Visualisation: Musical Fragmentation - 
Social Fabric Worn Dangerously Thin. #VisualFutureOfMusic #WorldMusicInstrumentsAndTheoryMusical Fragmentation
Social Fabric Worn Dangerously Thin
Music Industry Role Models: Sexist, Toxic, Unsustainable Lifestyles #VisualFutureOfMusic #WorldMusicInstrumentsAndTheorySexist, Toxic, Unsustainable
Music Industry Role Models & Lifestyles
Factory Music: Emotions Industrially Processed. #VisualFutureOfMusic #WorldMusicInstrumentsAndTheoryFactory Music
Emotions Industrially Processed


online music learning,
online music lessons
distance music learning,
distance music lessons
remote music lessons,
remote music learning
p2p music lessons,
p2p music learning
music visualisation
music visualization
musical instrument models
interactive music instrument models
music theory tools
musical theory
p2p music interworking
p2p musical interworking
comparative musicology
world music
international music
folk music
traditional music
P2P musical interworking,
Peer-to-peer musical interworking
WebGL, Web3D,
WebVR, WebAR
Virtual Reality,
Augmented or Mixed Reality
Artificial Intelligence,
Machine Learning
Scalar Vector Graphics,
3D Cascading Style Sheets,

Comments, questions and (especially) critique welcome.